Staking Intro
Endurance building based on Ethereum technology uses PoS mechanisms similar to Ethereum, allowing a validator to earn rewards in the network by staking 32 ACE.
Staking Reward
Base Reward
You can check the current APR data with this tool, which calculates rewards every day based on node real reward data: ACE.STORE
You can also calculate your staking reward based on the current ACE price using this calculator: Staking Calculator
Solo Staker Extra Reward
For solo stakers who verify their execution address on the Discord channel, the Endurance Community will double your reward every month. For example, if the on-chain reward APR is 15%, you will get up to 30% after participating in the Staking Incentive Reward.
- Related X post: Link to X
- Related announcement in Discord: Link to Discord
- Verify your solo staker identity: Link to Discord-Solostaker Verifier
- Event rewards will be distributed every month by this address: Link to Endurance Explorer
Network Decentralization
Endurance had 33,000 validators in the genesis block owned by Fusionist when Endurance 2.0 launched on May 4, 2024. Endurance hopes the network will be decentralized enough. This chart shows the process status:
Staking Launchpad
This is the staking launchpad for Endurance:
Technical Support
If you have any questions about staking, feel free to ask:
This document is under heavy development. We hope you contribute to help perfect it. Every contributor has the possibility to earn a reward!